Who are we?
TCD Design & Print Ltd is a provider of Graphic Design and Printing Services. We may also arrange a mail-out service when requested. Registered in England at 2 Whitehall Road, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME10 4HB and our company number is 9119406.
The data we use:
1. Customer Data
The data we hold on our customers will generally consist of a name, address and telephone number. These are stored securely and used to contact you with regards to past, current or future business. We are not intrusive with our communication and hope we can stay in touch with our customers to either continue the good working relationship we have or to start working with you in the future.
2. Customer’s Mail Lists
The data we use is usually in the form of a .csv or .xls file and contains our client’s customer database for the purpose of brochure mailing. This includes a name and a full postal address.
Handling Mail Lists
TCD will receive, make minor amends if required (usually in the form of deleting expired/not required/obsolete entries as instructed by our client) and forward on the data for the purpose of mailing customer Travel Brochures. We will only ever send this data to one UK Authorised & Registered Mail Handling Facility (Registration No. Z2508530) and will always send it in one of the above secure methods. Mail lists are deleted as soon as the customer mailing has been fulfilled. TCD is also registered with the ICO for the purpose of Data Protection (Registration No. ZA149679).
Methods of sending/receiving Mail Lists
You can Email us your Excel/CSV Mail List file, but please password protect it and send us the password on a separate Email. Alternatively WeTransfer and Dropbox are both GDPR compliant, if you would prefer to send this way.
Mail House
Our Registered Mail Handling Facility will process data, remove duplicates when requested and delete all files once mailing is complete.
System Security
The IT systems at TCD Design & Print are protected with both Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware protection and are password protected. As much information as possible is stored on our own secure internal server with RAID protection, which is backed up securely on site using further RAID systems. The internal LAN is located behind a secure firewall connected to the Internet and any external WAN access is via a secure L2TP VPN connection using two-factor authentication via password and shared secret. Any local wireless connections on our network are made using password protected WPA2 encrypted connections and all the internal LAN connections are controlled via our own internal cabling system and network hardware located with the TCD office. The system is regularly updated and maintained by an Apple Approved Service Provider.